America’s pathetic performance in dealing with COVID-19 is due to sluggish public institutions, not just the poor leadership of President Trump, authors John Micklethwait and Adrian Wooldridge argued in a spirited discussion yesterday with columnist Megan McArdle and political scientist Francis Fukuyama.
Read MoreOn September 23, 2020, Common Good held the fifth forum of the Campaign for Common Good to explore the need for a new operating system of government.
Read MoreThe bipartisan Campaign for Common Good will hold a Zoom forum on Wednesday, September 23, to explore the need for a new operating system of government.
Read MoreAmerica's efforts at dealing with COVID-19 have been much less effective than Germany, Denmark, and New Zealand, let alone Asian countries such as South Korea. What accounts for the differences?
Read MorePhilip Howard joins the Mackinac Center to discuss the goals and activities of the Campaign for Common Good and the need to reboot government no matter who wins the presidential election.
Read MoreHow would we “reboot” America’s “operating system”? And, more fundamentally, what is “the common good”—and how can Americans work together to advance it? To discuss these themes, Philip Howard joins Adam White for a discussion.
Read MoreHow many Americans would support a party which stood for good government? Just imagine it: a plan to get schools working, to hold police and other public employees accountable, to cut red tape in healthcare ($1 trillion wasted) and infrastructure permits (doubling the cost), and, generally, to re-empower Americans to take responsibility again.
Read MoreNevertheless, the Times-Union Editorial Board seeks to support any effort that will improve the quality of life of our readers. On a national scale, we support bipartisan initiatives like a new one called The Campaign for Common Sense by a group called Common Good.
Read MorePhilip K. Howard sits down with Dartmouth students Natasha Raman (‘23) and Jonathan Nicastro (‘23) to discuss Howard’s book The Rule of Nobody: Fixing America’s Dead Laws and Broken Government.
Read MoreOn August 20, 2020, Common Good held the fourth forum of the Campaign for Common Good to explore the bloated healthcare bureaucracy. Unnecessary complexity is the original sin of the American healthcare system.
Read MoreRelatively few votes can swing elections, as Democrats learned in 2016. That’s why it seems odd that there’s virtually nothing in the Democratic platform about making government work better.
Read MoreThe Democratic convention reveals that the Biden-Harris ticket will try to appeal to voters with progressive promises dealing with racial disparities, healthcare, and the environment. But the expansive Democratic platform largely ignores one issue that most voters care about: the need to overhaul government.
Read MoreExpanding healthcare coverage is an important public goal, as Democrats are saying at their convention. But how can the country pay for it?
Read MoreThe bipartisan Campaign for Common Good will hold a Zoom forum on Thursday, August 20, to explore cleaning out healthcare bureaucracy.
Read MoreSchools across America are scrambling to figure out whether and how to reopen. Complying with the rigid bureaucratic structure of union requirements and government regulations is impossible.
Read MoreThe Covid crisis could be the impetus that finally pushes the broken machinery of America’s schools over the cliff.
Read MoreOn July 28, 2020, Common Good hosted the third forum of the Campaign for Common Good to explore overhaul of school bureaucracy.
Read MoreA cultural earthquake is causing jagged fault lines to open across America. Many thousands have taken to the streets to protest police brutality. Others are taking to the streets to protest COVID-19 shutdowns.
Read MoreAmerica can’t stay closed indefinitely. But reopening America’s shops, schools and other public places is fraught with uncertainties and risks. In some jobs and settings the precautions may not be possible.
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