Forum 2: Restoring Public Accountability

Accountability is key to fixing broken government. Accountability is vital to public trust, and also to a healthy internal public culture. Nothing is more corrosive to a department than the knowledge that personal performance doesn't matter. Why go the extra mile if others don't? Like a leak in a tire, energy and pride quickly go flat.

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The Legal Framework for COVID-19 Recovery: A Virtual Forum on June 30

The bipartisan Campaign for Common Good, which launched last Thursday, will hold its first virtual forum on Tuesday, June 30, at noon (EDT). The one-hour Zoom forum will focus on “The Legal Framework for COVID-19 Recovery” and will cover the following challenges: avoiding red tape delays in reopening; creating a reliable liability framework that avoids chilling reopening while incentivizing safe protocols; and learning from other developed countries.

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Put Humans in Charge

Something has gone terribly wrong. An overgrown jungle of complex laws has created stagnation in our country, and removed people's ability to exercise judgement and common sense. Something needs to be done to simplify the law, remove unnecessary rules, and put humans in charge again.

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Seth Karechavideo
Getting Real About Infrastructure

The Washington cocktail of paralytic bureaucracy and polarized politics has stalled the rebuilding of America's decrepit infrastructure for over a decade. Now would be a good time to get off the dime. A million or more jobs — mostly outdoors — would be a great path for helping the economy recover from the COVID shutdown.

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Public Trust in Police is Fractured. Here’s How to Fix It.

The protests and riots show what happens when large segments of the population believe the deck is stacked against them. Distrust of government leads to corrosion of civil society. The opportunistic looting across the country is indefensible, but it’s rationalized by the logic of nihilism: If police won’t follow norms of civilized behavior, then neither will we.

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